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Allow myself to introduce…myself…again? My name is Chris. This is my standard disclaimer; if you’ve read any of my previous articles, skip to paragraph 2. I’m not a TPN staff writer, just a longtime fan; I am a retired military...
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I’d like to start with a brief description of the FAA, FARs, and other FAA governing documents. Then, I’ll talk about FARs that cover training (with a focus on military competency and ATP ratings), and wrap it up with a summary of what I am trying to convey...
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So…14 CFR Chapter 1, subpart A, Part 1 is called: Definitions and Requirements. It only has 3 subparts: 1-3 (also written as §§1.1- 1.3). Part 1 covers General Definitions; Symbols and Abbreviations; Rules of Construction (that means it defines singular, plural, and (yes) gender specificity). Have you ever wondered how the FAA defines specific words like “amateur rocket?” Look no further! This chapter defines all words that need to be defined in all subchapters (A-K). In this chapter, you can even find the definition of “shall,” “may (and may not),” “including,” etc.
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